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Lady of the Sixth, Archdevil of Malbolge

For more information on all Archdevils, see: Archdevils

Glasya is the Lady of Malbolge and daughter of Asmodeus, therefore making her the Princess of the Nine Hells. One of the most powerful and influential of the female devils, the Dark Prodigy is an unpredictable Archdevil known for her subversiveness. Glasya is perhaps the least predictable of the Archdevils, with a reputation for capriciousness and a history of whimsy and mischief. She takes pride in her nonconformity and openly flouts the norms of Hell at her leisure, breaking tradition while bending the rules. Surprising others with unexpected gambits is a source of delight for her, and even before she became an Archdevil, she was somewhat rebellious and defiant, moving between courts as the mood struck her.

Physical Description

Glasya appears as a 9 foot tall, black-haired figure similar in form to a succubus. She is well-built and of unearthly beauty that remains undiminished by the small horns, large, leathery wings, and forked tail that give away her diabolical origins. Notably, her skin is of a copper hue, itself not an extremely unusual trait for humanoids, but made prominent by its more metallic appearance. She is adorned with jewels, clothes, and various finery of incredible expense.

Divine Realm

Some white cities exist within Malbolge, but the seat of Glasya's power is Osseia, a dome-like palace fortress of lustrous white walls formed from the ballooned skull of the Hag Countess. The hollowed, 5-story cranium was partially constructed from the varnished bones of the Hag Countess and those of other victims that displeased Glasya. It is lavishly furnished with baroque decoration, filled with ominous music throughout its long passages and adorned inside and out with unnerving, provocative statues. Where the hag's eye sockets would be are oval, red glass windows capable of blasting lines of flame, and from which Glasya can be seen entertaining party guests.

Tenets of Faith

Social Aptitude

Despite her often contrarian moves, Glasya is no less cruel than any other diabolical denizen of Hell. Her style of torment often has a verbal element; she delightfully informs those she lures into Hell of their impending doom and vividly describes the horrors awaiting those who cross her. She is also articulate, combining subtle mockery, verbal games, cruel teasing, and noble snobbishness to toy with those at her mercy before she grows bored and sends them off to be tortured. Her sadism extends to the physical, as she extracts much joy from watching her victims suffer cancerous disease, and the only thing her lordship changed was the increased openness with which she expresses her twisted desires.   Glasya's sense of aesthetics contradict her inner corruption, as the Princess of Hell is equal parts lovely and loathsome. She has a disturbing love of beauty, sparing those she finds appealing and refraining from killing captured servants of good that seemed open to her attempts at seduction. She used the corpse of Malagard the Hag Countess, the previous Archdevil of Malbolge, to create a domain of achingly pleasant palaces and gardens from a contrasting foundation of ugliness and decay, and makes some of her victims enthrallingly beautiful while turning others into suffering mockeries of life. Like the realm that reflects her, Glasya's enchanting surface level disguises a truly rotten core.

Contacts & Relations


Baalzebul, the former ruler of Malbolge, vehemently detests Glasya. A majority of assassins sent at Glasya are from Baalzebul, for not only had the princess teased him in the past to try and supplant him as ruler of Maladomini, but she was a participant in the conspiracy that lost him the plane she went on to rule. The ever-cautious Dispater was sent into paranoia when Glasya killed the Hag Countess, seemingly with her father in on the scheme, and began taking even more defensive measures in response.   Glasya harbors a special hatred for Levistus, who she has stated her intent to kill for an ancient crime regarding the death of her mother. She has been described as being obsessed with him, going between pining misery and murderous rage, though since Levistus has his own defenses, her actual claims are considered posturing. After becoming Archduchess, she used her intelligence network to gather information on her nemesis, hoping to obtain enough evidence that her father would grant her approval to destroy him for good. Despite this, Levistus still toys with the idea of making overtures to the rebellious child of Asmodeus.   The only Archduke that likes Glasya is Fierna, another Archdevil's daughter and a likely ally for when her relatively weaker forces attack Levistus. Despite rumors that she killed Naome, Fierna's mother, who had a distaste for Glasya when she was still alive, Fierna holds only besotted admiration for Glasya and can't stop talking about her when the subject arises. Friends even before Glasya's rise, Fierna was inspired by her example, and encouraged by her to develop a network of devils and cultists separate from her father Belial's forces. Belial was hampered both by Fierna's ambition, a potential liability, and the interruption of plans to invade Malbolge. For a time he schemed to loosen Glasya's influence over Fierna, albeit with the utmost caution as to avoid incurring Asmodeus' wrath.   Glasya used to be Mammon's consort, but their true feelings for each other weren't clear. He is still bitter and wants payback against her for manipulating him in the Reckoning, and was frightened by her ascension, yet he seeks to have her at his feet when he rules Hell. Glasya hates the squalid slum of Minauros, but yet, after taking Malbolge, has been manipulating some of his dukes to try and take his domain for herself. Asmodeus might have assigned Glasya to Mammon, or she might have went to him, either out of actual passion or just to stir up trouble for the Archdevils, though either way Asmodeus put an end to the relationship after the Reckoning. There were rumors since Glasya became Archduchess that they'd rekindled their affair, but others claim that Glasya resents the feckless serpent for not fighting for their love, although given political romance in Hell, both could be true.


Glasya is believed to be Asmodeus' only child, and the circumstances of her birth are shrouded in mystery. Beings of god-like status rarely share their power with offspring, divine children being rare at best, and his plans for his daughter are unclear. Glasya isn't above using her familial-relation to Asmodeus as a shield to protect herself from retaliation. The two have a long, volatile history; Glasya often consorts with his enemies and openly resists his efforts to control her, and Asmodeus' moves to make her serve in his court only make her bored and dissatisfied. He gave his blessing when she took over Malbolge (the role he played in the process debatable), but it is possible that he reasoned that with responsibility over a layer, her ambitions would be kept in check. Despite not always seeing eye to eye, Glasya still generally supports her father since the two share a similar outlook and methodology.   Much like her cruelty, Glasya's propensity for concocting sinister schemes was inherited from her father. Her ambition doesn't stem from her relation to Asmodeus, and Hell's own criminal mastermind has demonstrated a willingness to cross any line for power. She is an intelligent manipulator, possessing in abundance the conniving guile needed to exist in Hell.   Glasya owes her continued survival to her ability to deflect suspicion and insulate herself from blame, typically by having her allies serve as scapegoats. Despite her uncaring demeanor, her sycophants often willingly sacrifice themselves for her, for Glasya knows how to evoke sympathy even in those fighting her and use seduction, deception, and even honesty to win allies for her cause. She prefers to talk rather than directly confront, make allies rather than more enemies, and is quick to show her attackers the "error of their ways".   Most other Archdevils despise Glasya for her suspected role in their downfall during a period known as the Reckoning, but fear her at the same time. To challenge her could be construed as a move against Asmodeus, who they theorize could be using her to consolidate his power, and it is difficult to discern who the target of her own ambition would be. They struggle to place spies in her court and she aggressively recruits their powerful servants who have been sidelined for ambition. High-ranking devils that have fallen out of favor with their respective lords happily scheme against them, and though Asmodeus allows it, other Archdevils hate her even more for it and have to conspire to destroy their former servants because of it.

Divine Traits

General Information

Alternative Name(s)
Archdevil of Malboge
The Dark Prodigy
Daughter of Asmodeus
Lady of Malboge
Lady of the Sixth
Princess of Hell
Princess of the Nine Hells

Lawful Evil

Lesser Idol - Archdevil

Areas of Concern
Individuality, manipulation, rebellion, seduction

Favored Weapon

A forked tongue

Ambitious nobles, criminals, rebels, outlaws, thieves

The Nine Hells - Osseia, Malbolge (6th layer)

Pathfinder 1e

Evil, Law, Liberation, Trickery

Corruption, Deception, Devil, Freedom, Revolution

Pathfinder 2e

Ambition, Freedom, Passion, Trickery

Alternate Domains

Divine Ability
Dexterity or Charisma

Divine Font

Divine Skill

Cleric Spells
1st: Liberating Command
4th: Internal Insurrection
6th: Mislead

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