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Lord of the Third, Archdevil of Minauros

For more information on all Archdevils, see: Archdevils

Mammon, sometimes referred to as Minauros, is the lord of the identically named Minauros, and potentially the richest being in existence. Both literally and figuratively two-faced, the Archdevil viscount is a feckless miser whose only loyalty is to coin. Mammon is an utterly selfish entity that practically personifies greed with his insatiable desire. He is a ruthless hunter who unrelentingly pursues his prey, whether it is an actual quarry or future possessions, but is indifferent to his prize once it is actually obtained, and swiftly moves on to new targets. While his cupidity isn't limited to currency, Mammon is wholly materialistic and measures worth in regards to monetary value. He makes deals solely for the purpose of making profit and otherwise doesn't care about the results of the exchange. Alongside being avaricious, Mammon is also megalomaniacal, lusting after power and always scheming to acquire more of it.

Divine Domains

The reason for the dismal state of Minauros is that Mammon's greed is as bottomless as the swamp. His nameless residence itself is built out of exotic black stones, likely brought from the Material Plane, is crowded with innumerable, treasures, and anything of worth within the layer is swiftly destroyed or taken inside the pillared halls. Yet despite his immeasurable levels of wealth, Mammon seems uninterested in the well-being of his own domain and unwilling to invest more than the minimal amount of wealth needed to perform maintenance, even in regards to the practical upkeep of his home.

Tenets of Faith

  • Gain financial control over others. Money is power, and power is everything.
  • Gather new wealth, and count your riches.
  • Do not allow those who steal from you to go unpunished.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The methods required to achieve his goals are irrelevant to Mammon, and he performs whatever act he believes necessary to accomplish them. The duplicitous viscount seduces his victims with silver-tongued promises before wantonly and gleefully watching their expressions when he betrays them. The Serpent's speech can be compared to his schemes in their convoluted nature, for it is riddled with winding messages and unclear requests, meandering even when he is supposed to be delivering orders. Mammon is not only sinister but shameless, keeping his position primarily by acts of bootlicking sycophantism most charitably described as embarrassing. His pathetic groveling before his master is as renown as his arrogant condescension towards his own inferiors.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Mammon's original form is traditionally infernal, a 12 foot tall creature that resembles a flabby pit fiend with scaly, red-gold skin and wings that are as lustrous as rubies. Although still able to assume his old form, Mammon's natural appearance eventually changed into one resembling certain yuan-ti halfbloods, albeit 30 feet long. His lower half is that of an enormous, spotted serpent with yellow-brown skin comparable to swirled vomit, while his upper half sports a muscular humanoid torso with bony spines protruding across his shoulders and along his large arms.   His horned, hairless head is similarly humanoid but seems oversized. Some say his eyes are yellow and slitted like a snake, while others report that his eyes are pale and pupilless, although his vision seems nonetheless sharp. Below his white eyes are hideous black lips, behind which lay his pointed teeth, two serpentine fangs, and a forked tongue that gives him his hissing, whispering voice.


Contacts & Relations

Despite being one of the Lords of the Nine, Mammon is considered a lesser Archdevil in Hell's political sphere. He is hopelessly lacking in allies among the other Lords of the Nine, and even Tiamat despises him for stealing her dragon worshippers by appealing to their greed. Though he was once in an alliance with Dispater, and by extension Mephistopheles, he likely never trusted the Iron Duke in the first place. He almost instantly began groveling before Asmodeus the moment the Overlord proved victorious, betraying both his partners without a second thought, thus earning him the suspicion and scorn of every other archdevil.   Mammon has a particularly complex relationship with the relatively new Archdevil and his former consort, Glasya. It is said that her position as Mammon's concubine wasn't something she had set out to claim, but a form of punishment placed upon her by Asmodeus. The spoilt Princess of Hell, accustomed to the comforts of Nessus, was forced to endure the disgusting advances of the Serpent and the backwater slum that was his layer. Still, others posit that she came to Minauros willingly, possibly out of some form of genuine affection or merely as a way to annoy the other Archdevils, particularly her father, before the Lord of Nessus broke off their relationship.   Mammon puts up little to no resistance against Asmodeus' demands, possibly earning Glasya's scorn, and his attitude towards his former consort is similarly enigmatic. On one hand, he is potentially embittered towards her for her supposed manipulation and frightened of her rise to Archduchess, but on the other hand, he is thought to want her at his feet when he conquers the Nine Hells. Whether or not the two have rekindled their old spark outside of Asmodeus' eye or still passionately resent each other is truly unknown, although given the twisted nature of infernal, romantic intrigue and the backwards devil approach to relationships, both could be true.

Social Aptitude

Mammon's host of other flaws include his overactive paranoia that drives him in his craven and often foolish pursuit of loyal servants. His typical response to frustration, such as if he felt his time was wasted, is to alleviate the feeling by destroying the offender or otherwise tormenting unrelated parties. This is combined with his petty, oversensitive demeanor and overindulgent hedonism to make a being that is practically impossible to work with. No matter how competent the tyrant, it is impossible to stay on Mammon's good side for he has no such thing.

Divine Traits

General Information

Alternative Name(s)
Archdevil of Minauros
The Argent Prince
King of Greed
Lord of Minauros
Lord of the Third
The Serpent
The Slippery Lord

Lawful Evil

Lesser Idol - Archdevil

Areas of Concern
Avarice, Watchfulness, Wealth

Favored Weapon

Devil-faced coin

Guardians of wealth, misers, the wicked impoverished

The Nine Hells - Minauros

Pathfinder 1e

Artifice, Evil, Law, Trickery

Construct, Devil, Greed, Toil

Pathfinder 2e

Ambition, Creation, Toil, Wealth

Alternate Domains

Divine Ability
Wisdom or Charisma

Divine Font

Divine Skill

Cleric Spells
1st: Shattering Gem
4th: Creation
7th: Magnificent Mansion

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