Knights of the Golden Circle Military Formation in Iosis | World Anvil

Knights of the Golden Circle



The number of men and women who have the privilege of calling themselves Knights of the Golden Circle vary from year to year with the highest recorded number of Knights at roughly 1200. Currently, there are around 950 members with the ten largest cities in Aryia having 75 knights protecting them while 100 knights are station in the capital city of Llyne. The remaining 100 knights patrol the countryside keeping an eye out for trouble and reporting back to the closest city any news of bandits or dangerous animal packs.


Every cavalry knight has a horse that they, their squire, and their page take care of. They are outfitted with plate armor with chainmail tunics underneath made from steel by some of the best blacksmiths Aryia has as well as a lance. They also carry a haversack filled with rations and other items needed while traveling as well as a bedroll.   Every infantry knight is also outfitted with plate armor with chainmail tunics underneath made from steel by some of the best blacksmiths Aryia and are armed with either a sword and shield or mace and shield that are also forged by the best blacksmiths. They also carry a haversack filled with rations and other items needed while traveling as well as a bedroll.   The knights are also responsible for providing some type of transportation for their squire and page whether that be horses, ponies or mules for them or renting wagons and carts for them.


Every Knight has a horse for transportation though some will also have a second horse or a mule that is used solely for transporting equipment.


Knights are the backbone of the military force for the order and are led by Marshals of the Golden Circle. Within the ranks of the Knights, the members are divided into two categories: cavalry and infantry. Cavalry members are tasked with patrolling the countryside as well as make up a small percentage of the soldiers tasked with protecting the cities while infantry members are solely stationed in the cities.


Before becoming a knight, a boy or girl must become a page at the age of seven, where they, along with a squire, will assist the knight they've been assigned to until they reach the age of 14. Once they turn 14 the girl or boy has the option of becoming a squire where they are given more responsibilities as well as begin learning how to fight and given opportunities to prove themselves in battle. Once they have proven themselves capable, the squire will become a Knight if a Marshal, or someone ranked higher in The Golden Circle, is willing to pledge for them.


Logistical Support

The Knights stationed in a city receive support from that particular city. The Knights tasked with patroling the farmlands and roads will receive support from the closest city to their position with further support coming directly from the Headquarters in Llyne if there is need for them.


The cavalry members of the Knights of the Golden Circle are fairly expensive to maintain given their numbers and the number of horses they require the use of. Thanks to royal donations as well as a number of second or third children of noble families joining the order, the order is able to provide horses, equipment, and weapons for those members not from noble families without issue. The order is also exempt from paying taxes on their estates and keeps so their biggest expenses are really food expenses for the men and women of the organization.


Anyone of any sex, who is from Aryia, and is a squire between the ages of 14 and 18 who has proven themselves in battle and is sponsored by a higher up in the organization may become a Knight of the Golden Circle.


Like the rest of the ranks of The Golden Circle, the Knights were created during King Gautier Oweyn's conquests in response to the numerous bandit and mercenary groups that were formed by the discontent people whose kingdoms or nations had been raised by the Aryite army. Most of the people who formed the Golden Circle were from the former kingdom Grerin as they had the least damage done to them by the conquests.   In addition to bringing an end to a number of bandit groups, within the first year of their creation the Knights of the Golden Circle, as well as the rest of the Golden Circle, were a part of the battle that brought an end to the Iron Company. Because of this as well as the members already idolizing King Gautier, the king rewarded them greatly by giving them a large estate close to the palace in Llyne Market they could set their headquarters in.  

Historical loyalties

The Knights of the Golden Circle and the other members of the organization have historically been entierly loyal to King Gautier Oweyn and the House of Oweyn. The only times this loyalty has wavered slightly is when the two have come in conflict over the lack of transparency Remia Academy of the Arcane, and the Rune Casters within gave. Specifically when the crimes of Baron Gavriil Aukes came to light.
22 ARC
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
The Golden Circle
Organization | Aug 17, 2018
Settlement | Apr 24, 2023

Capital of Aryia

Organization | Mar 22, 2019
The Grerin War
Military Conflict | Jul 14, 2019

King Gautier Oweyn's shortest war

King Gautier Oweyn
Character | Jul 13, 2019

First King of Aryia

Iron Company
Organization | Mar 22, 2019

Cover image: Saber & Lancelot by wlop


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Aug 17, 2018 05:28 by Ademal

Great use of space, especially with letting the sidebar articles illustrate the page a bit.   Are they allowed to have children?

Check out my summercamp by going here and checking out any of my gold-star articles!

Aug 17, 2018 05:43

They are indeed! In fact, a fair amount are descendants of the original members. Though children born to members of the Circle are given the option to join or pursue some other profession if they are not interested in it.

Aug 17, 2018 14:43 by Barbarossa Sparklebeard

Great wording, easy to understand, and some good information. Well done.

Please check out my article for the Tavern Challenge! The Black Haired Dog!
Aug 17, 2018 17:48

It's an interesting article, does the order have any notable shortcomings?

Aug 17, 2018 17:58

Yes, unfortunately, their loyalty to House Oweyn blinds them to the more sinister actions taken by them.

Aug 17, 2018 18:09

It would be really cool to see some of those listed.

Aug 17, 2018 18:21

I plan on expanding their history more as I write down the history of House Oweyn and The Golden Circle :D

Aug 17, 2018 18:07 by EMBlevins

Love the artwork and usage of the different articles in the sidebar to help expose more of the world. Went on a bit of an article binging spree due to that, very well designed. The wording is well put together and smooth gives me a very "Knights of Camelot" feeling for some reason, from the original Arthurian novels.

Aug 17, 2018 18:22

I'm glad you liked it! I was going for the Knights of Camelot vibe as a sort of balance for the morally ambiguous/morally bankrupt rune casters in my world.

Aug 17, 2018 20:05 by Nichole Roach

Very informative, though I would like to see more of what the knights are about. In a different comment, you say that they are beholden to a rather shady house. How does this affect them?

Aug 17, 2018 20:38

Well since the house is the ruling house they are afforded a decent amount of influence and affluence in addition to the respect they get from ensuring the peasantry are protected.