The Council of Wyrms Organization in Iovir | World Anvil
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The Council of Wyrms

Clan politics is a messy affair. Crisscrossing loyalties, grudges, obligations and traditions long left dragon communities unable to expand and truly dominate the world as they do today - each locale housed different dragon species with different ways of acting and seeing the world, and with different attitudes to kith, magic and governance.   According to legend, Great Io, the Ninefold Dragon, laboured to create a world in which dragonkind would be united in unchallenged dominion over His world. In order to foster peaceful unity between squabbling clans so that they might rightfully dominate their kith servants, He sent visions of vast lands and lakes to several chosen champions. These champions followed Io's plan, and laid the groundwork for the first large-scale alliance of draconic clans in history - the Council of Wyrms.  

Purpose & Structure

The Council represents a cultural, economic and military alliance between five dragonlord nations - Liscea, Makain, Naedor, Lautai and Undyrǣn. One appointed Councillor represents the overarching voice of each nation in international matters, though they are typically assisted by their own personal entourage of dragon-and-kith administrators, custodians and functionaries. The general power structure of the Council is as follows, from highest to lowest;   Grand Custodian. An administrative and religious overseer, typically a long-serving priest of Great Io, whose sole purpose is to uphold a balance of power between Councillors in accordance with Great Io's vision. For the last 730 years, this position has been held by the emerald greatwyrm Navalkius of Clan Firelake, who is considered to be one of the oldest living dragons at roughly 2,300 years old. This position is considered as much of a burden as it is an honour - the Custodian solely resides in the Council Aerie, and is forbidden from involving themselves in matters beyond those of direct Council governance and discussion. However, their power is great; they may instigate investigations and vetoes over Councillors with but a word. A Grand Custodian may only be removed from their position should at least four of the five Councillors be in agreement on the matter.   Councillors. Five Councillors form the main body of the 'Council of Wyrms', and are usually elected or chosen by the governing body of each Pact Nation. They draft laws for all Pact Nations, ensure Dragon Clans are having their needs and desires met within the nations, ensure peaceable co-existence between dragons and kith, and give dragon and kith nobility a space to air their grievances and resolve issues.   Custodian. Direct advisors and bodyguards for Councillors. Veteran military officers and even retired dragon riders are found in these positions; their role is to directly support Councillors in their duties and decision-making.   Functionary. Officials of the Council, typically diplomats, financers, accountants and speakers for the Councillors. They typically carry out the wishes of the Council, such as conducting meetings with outside parties, investigations, presenting writs, making announcements or delivering messages on behalf of a Councillor. Councillors meet at least once each calendar week to discuss . However, urgent or emergency meetings may be held more frequently on a remote basis, using powerful divination artifacts called Orbs of Io that allow for long-distance communication. Every Councillor and Clan Lord possesses one of these rare and valuable orbs, as well as the Grand Custodian of the Council. All orbs of Io are identical in appearance, a three-foot sphere of impervious glass-like material in which swirling smoke moves in a captured breeze. Possession of an orb of Io is carefully regulated by the Council of Wyrms. If an orb were to fall into the hands of the Council’s enemies, it would be considered a severe breach of Council security with many dragons summoned to ensure its recovery.  

Current Councillors

At the beginning of Ashfall: Council of Wyrms, the representative Councillors of each nation are as follows;  

Makaiid Empire - Councillor Lunathrendyr of Clan Brightscale, 'the Cloudsire'

An ancient silver dragoness, 1185 years old. She made her name by carrying seventeen disparate and broken Houses into the realm of being economic powerhouses, and founded the prosperous West Coast Ironworks. She served her Makaiid House as a knight-commander devoted to Great Io, and a staunch believer in the idea that kith must be closely shepherded for their own protection. She is very shrewd and considered a fair but firm negotiator; however, she has gained a reputation for exploiting even the smallest legal loopholes to uphold her strict and moralistic worldviews. While she seems to have the best interests of all Clan and Pact Nation parties in mind, she doesn't seem opposed to making an example out of one group to uphold a value or moral principle, and has been described as 'having a penchant for punishing anyone who isn't as self-righteous as herself'. Some believe she is hoping to become the next Grand Custodian.  

Undyrǣn - Prince Odrys of Clan Starratiel, 'the Garnet Morn'

An adult amethyst dragon, 193 years old. Very much a 'pretty boy' of the Amethyst Royal Family, but his handsomeness is notably backed up by wits, articulation and the elegance that comes with a lifelong education and upbringing in the Amethyst Spire palace. Odrys has been noted for being clueless on military matters (ironic, given the nation he represents), but King Tharsynodd of Starratiel has expressed that Odrys is strong Councillor for Undyrǣn because of his talent for international politics and diplomacy. Sure enough, this seems to be well-placed trust; Odrys frequently secures strong tax and trade deals for the Underdark to bolster their economy (and fund their ongoing war against the Blight). However, others see him as flighty and unwilling to commit to Council service long-term, or possibly too personally ambitious to be trusted not to make vies for power as he ages. He also plays a large role in keeping relations between Gem Dragon clans on the surface and Clan Starratiel peaceful.  

Naedian Republics - Ducess Maekratrissir of Clan Sungazer, 'the Burning Flower'

An ancient brass dragoness, 940 years old. Colourful, expressive and full of laughter, the Ducess is a warm-natured optimist and friendly presence among her fellow Councillors. However, it's not gone unnoticed that her affect has underlying motives - she's well-known now for repeatedly dragging the Council into strictly-Naedian matters. While the Council is not above aiding individual nations, Councillors are supposed to aid other nations just as readily as they ask for help... and the Ducess seems very fond of taking more than she gives. That said, her charm and the adoring support of her Naedian kin, who see the Ducess as a bringer of prosperity for Naedor, means possibly replacing her will be a long, drawn-out and tiring process. As such, the Council currently tolerates her underhanded but obvious attempts to exploit the Council's resources for her nation, simply 'keeping an eye out for it'. On the positive side, the Ducess brings the unity of several metallic and gem clans in the eastern regions to the table; her popularity ensures loyalty between them and the Council Nations, and ensures eastern aquatic clans have a platform to air grievances with Lautaian dragons before territorial disputes become ugly.  

Liscean Oligarchy - Councillor D'haerian of Clan Jadress, 'the All-Warden'

An adult (near-ancient) green dragon, 784 years old. Noble and resplendent, but has a reputation for being a little haughty. After two of his infant sons were kidnapped and radicalized into anti-Pact Nation dragoneer mounts for Bryn Shei, he has a burning hatred for the rebellious nation, seeing them as genocidal, brainwashing monsters who want to slaughter dragonkind. It's become a cliché to his fellow Councillors - during almost every meeting, D'haerian will bring up a new list of impractical sanctions or vague threats he wants to impose on Bryn Shei, usually met with eye-rolls and some calming-down talk from Maekratrissir. However, his wisdom and stoutness on military matters cannot be understated. D'haerian is deeply respected by many militaries from his impressive service record as a Liscean Warden-Martial, and his insights into international security have quelled many a kith rebellion and rogue clan uprising over the centuries.  

Lautaian Kingdom - Queen Anasanantivi of Clan Dryair, 'the Silent Squall'

An adult topaz dragoness and also Queen of Lautai, 692 years old. Famously poker-faced, Anasanantivi provides vital unity for aquatic clans that could otherwise pose a serious threat to Pact Nation shores and coastlines. However, she also deeply frustrates the other Councillors; though she fiercely defends her 'pet project' in the form of the Lautian Nations that she barely touches or lords over, she also has a deeply isolationist outlook on international interactions. She shows up to every meeting and provides military aid against uprisings as per Pact obligations, but beyond that, she seems content to simply observe politics playing out in eerie quiet. Even more strangely, the Queen insists on being her nation's own Councillor, rather than trusting the role to an elected or chosen individual. However, the other Councillors have learned quickly not to call her bluffs or challenge her authority - unexpected 'visitors' to Lautaian seas are met with furious, powerful retaliation by aquatic dragon Clans. As such, Queen Anasanantivi is a somewhat silent - but not necessarily disinterested or unobservant - presence in Council meetings.

In New Traditions, Prosperity

Founding Date
23, Age of Founding
Alliance, Cultural
Alternative Names
the Council, the Pact, the Five Nations
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy

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