Binding Magical Contract I

A Writ of Binding Between Tork and Zuk-Dal

This written contract is a merely a physical representation of a magically binding agreement executed between Tork and Zuk-Dal within the Great Market of Skormp located in the Fisk Empire on HearthWarmth 10, 2597.
In exchange for Tork recieving one belt of Frost Giant Strength, Zuk-Dal recieves one favor from Tork. Tork is to kill the lesser diety Taur. Should this contract not be executed within one calendar year (measured on the material plane) from HearthWarmth 10, 2597, Zuk-Dal will be granted the soul of one of Tork's family members to be chosen and taken by Zuk-Dal at a time of their choosing. This agreement is legally binding across all planes of existence and is non-negotiable. Mortal legal systems are not recognized or valid under this contract. Disputes shall be resolved solely at the discretion of Zuk-Dal.


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