Arwen the Light Bringer Character in Ire | World Anvil

Arwen the Light Bringer

Arwen was born to house Hikrina as a noble. Her kingdom was the first to be attacked when the Years of Shade began. When the monsters invaded Tir Orail it was her people that were first slaughtered. They defended the walls as well as they could but eventually the monsters got in, there was no way to defend against all the different types of them. Her mother, Queen of house Hikrina lead her people into the sewers under they city and their they hid and lived for many years. When this happened Arwen rode out of the city to warn the kings of Tir Orail of the coming threat, had she not done this more elves surely would have died.   Arwen knew her work did not end with a simple warning, so she took a stand against the monsters so that her people could live freely once again. She formed a party of allies to aid her in this cause. She went to the forge master to craft her a sword, a sword capable of killing any monster, and so the sword Daybreak was forged. Arwen lead her party for 62 years, each year living on the roads, slaying any monster that crossed their path. in 1009 her party liberated Thalas and freed the people from the sewers. After decades of hunting the monster's numbers began to dwindle and the last remaining hoards were driven out of Tir Orail. For her deeds she was given the name Light Bringer by the people of all the kingdoms. She lives in Thalas as strong as ever to this day.