Sun's Landing Settlement in Ire | World Anvil

Sun's Landing

In the year 799 Eridor-Flameborn first joined as Rider & Dragon with Valinor-The Strong atop the mountain known at the time as Ents Mound. When the two joined together Valinor unfurled its crimsion wings, and bellowed orange & red fire into the sky. The elves who reported seeing the fire described it as the sun coming down from the heavens, and so Ent Mound became Sun's Landing.   From Sun's Landing Eridor would build up his guild and train many Dragon Riders. In 801 Eridor took flight across the land atop Valinor to find Elves worthy enough of a dragon's might. Atop the mountain peak he built a great hold made of orange tinted stone. He dug deep, vast caves into the mountain side for dragon nests. The Rider's would preside here until 2058 when during The Geat War the Rider's refused to fight alognside the Empire as they had before. The Rider's left peacfully and Sun's Landing was taken and given to Arwen Hikrina--who presides over the ghost of a castle.
Military, Base