Black Nettle

In the Southern Isles twenty or so years ago a woman was wandering Stenet Isle alone at night. She had gone out looking for Hemp Weed with her brother but it was foggy and she lost the path. It had grown too cold to keep going so she huddled down for the night, planning on going home come morning. As she was sleeping a lone Nettle Wolf found her, it sunk its hideous teeth around her ankle and pulled her out from the brush. It tore apart her clothes with its razor claws, tearing apart her skin. It mounted the girl, drooling all over her it began to rape her. When it finished it sunk its teeth into her neck; killing the poor girl. Yet despite being dead the wolf’s pup grew inside her rotting belly. The pup fed on the girl’s insides, eating away her intestines, liver and lungs. When it grew big enough it ripped out from her stomach. It was huge and hulking, twice the size of its father. It was coal black with milky white eyes that shone like the moon. From that day on Black Nettle has prowled on Stenet; it is an omen of death. Those who hear its howl can be certain that death is approaching. Once you have seen its eyes it is too late. Those who see its white eyes will only have four days to live
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