The Southern Isles Settlement in Ire | World Anvil

The Southern Isles

The Southern Isles, also just known as the Isles, Is a group of 5 islands southwest or the Vale. It is inhabited by the Heden people(people who worship the old gods). They were forced out of The Vale by King Titus l for not conforming to the light god, and they were allowed to stay there. The people of the Isles stay in touch with the rest of the world by being a trading post for all countries.   The islands are controlled by a different clan, each clan is lead by a Jarl. the center Island is home to the King of the Isles who keeps the Jarls in check. The people of the isles trade with the world and practice their ways in peace. Despite this they are still hearty and brave warriors, not to be challenged.   The people of the Isles have many traditions, most involving the gods or nature. One such example of the Isles traditions is the Holmgang. it is a legally recognized way to settle disputes. It is a duel between two people. By tradition it is to the death but the participants can change the rules if they both agree. A holmgang can be called when someone feels wronged or feels like the other person is guilty of a crime. It can also be called to resolve disputes over land, property, and more. Another example is Skald's Feast. Skald is the god of the oceans and waters. One week every year the people hold a great feast in Skald's name and at the end of the week each person throws one of their possessions into the ocean. They do all of this to please Skald, so that they may live and sail safely.   The Heden pagan history and culture is vast and deep, and it thrives to this day.
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