Blood Dagger Prose in Ire | World Anvil

Blood Dagger

It was a foggy night, the shroud of cloud blocked out the moon, casting the woods into darkness. A gentle wind pushed the rotted trees back and forth, creaking one way and another, a cursed song. The woods had grown cold, a foul smell lingered in the air. The wolves, squirrels, and rabbits hid in the underbrush, trembling in fear. Shriveled branches snapped as Germand made his way farther into the shroud. He swayed his torch about, but it was of little help. He grabbed his blade firm and snuck his way farther still. Germand swung his way around a tree, ready for whatever was on the other side, but something was wrong. The Dagger looked around, he had been here before. Just then a sickness brewed in his stomach, a tingle went down his spine. He would have puked but he found himself still, frozen. He strained every muscle in his body but not even a finger moved.   A branch snapped, the sound shattered the stillness in the air. Germand saw its eyes first, they were bright, milky, and yellow. They sliced through the fog and cut deep into the Dagger. "Beautiful night isn't it?" the said the eyes. Germand fought even harder, but nothing. The eyes came closer, and revealed the beast they were bound to. It was tall, much taller than the Dagger. Its long black hair draped over its broad shoulders. Its skin was a pale gray, and its fangs sharp with crusted blood on them. Its jawline sharp, and its cheekbones accentuated, and clean shaven. It was very well dressed. It was adorned in white fitted silk robes trimmed with a blood red. It caressed Germand's chin in its claw.   "Mmm, that're a Black Dagger."   Germand shook with all his will and might. His body could not move but his eyes spoke the story.   "I thought there was no amount of coin that could get a Dagger to accept this kind of contract."   "There isn't." Germand forced out   "You were lied to, of course. Those good people needed your help, but they knew you would deny them, so of course they lied. So what say you Dagger, will you fulfill your contract? Will you slay me?"   "Let me go an we'll see."   The beast bowed. "Of course, how rude of me. Allow me to help." The monster winked and Germand was freed.   The monster hunter rolled backwards and drew his blade! His sword had just been sharpened and freshly oiled.   The monster smiled. "A fine blade, however it looks quite old. Allow me to show you mine." It unsheathed its blade, and it was right. The sword was fine and elegant. The blade was thin and shiny. The guard was interwoven cherry red steel, and the handle was well kept. "I don't usually carry one, but when I do I prefer the rapier. How do you wish to do this monster hunter?"   Germand cracked his neck and squared his shoulders. "You'll leave these woods and stop hunting the towns folk. You find a new hunting ground and I get paid. We will never see each other again."   The foul creature twirled his sword. "An interesting proposal I admit, but you see I quite like this cattle. I've tasted others but something about this flock is truly exquisite. Find your earnings somewhere else Dagger, I can't feed on you, your blood would just be a waste, and mother taught me better than that."   Germand drew back and clenched his hand. He conjured a spark that flourished into a flame. He threw his hand out and the fire ball blasted towards the monster! The monster flicked his wrist and batted the burning fire away with its blade. Germand slashed for its face, But the monster caught the blade in his hand! He squeezed and shattered the steel! The Dagger panicked, he grabbed the monster by the face and shot another fireball!   The monster howled and shoved Germand, the Dagger flew right into a tree. He could feel and hear his back shatter as it made contact. The Dagger fell down onto his side and struggled to get back up. "How do you like that bloodsucker?" The Dagger choked out. The vampire brushed his face and bore his fangs. It rushed forward and picked up Germand by the neck! It moved so fast the Dagger didn't even see it move. It whipped its head back ready to bite. As it went in the Dagger met his skull with its! The monster roared and dropped Germand.   "I usually like to play with my food, but enough of this. You can't stall anymore, dog." The Vampire said, reaching out his hand. His blade shook and flew back into his hand.   Germand laughed up blood. "I don't have to." The Dagger was right. The fog was beginning to lift and it wasn't the moon it unveiled, but the sun. The Vampire was bathed in its bight light. It winced in pain, Its grey skin turned back to a normal color, and its claws shrunk. This was Germand's chance. He grabbed his arm and pulled it up. Another fireball blasted the vampire. Its white robes caught on fire and its belly burned to black.   The vampire retreated into the shadow of the trees. "Forgive me for leaving early Dagger. We will resume our conversation soon I promise. With that the beast slinked away. Germand collapsed onto his back and winced. He drifted off to sleep staring at his broken sword.

Articles under Blood Dagger