Draugr Species in Ire | World Anvil


The draugr is an undead creature. Draugr are reanimated warriors and soldiers. However unlike skeletons draugr are much older. Draugr are the living remains of the old clans and their warriors. It is said that draugr only come back to life when their resting place is desecrated or disturbed. Their flesh is torn and ripped nearly falling off, bone popping through their bodies their stench is horrid and their eyes hollow and dead. Draugr are just as proficient warriors as they were when alive. If reanimated with a weapon on them they will use it. They are usually also buried in armor making attacking them tricky. However a solid attack to their heart will bring them down. Yet if you are unfortunate enough to anger these dead, your best bet at survival is to run.   Draugr are a strange thing as for hundreds of years they stayed in the cold ground, but after the Undead siege on Xares the Draugr started popping out from their holes. Filled with the hatred of the one who woke them.
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