Duel on Edhellen Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

Duel on Edhellen

No war has reaped the amount of death that the Great wat did. So how does such a war end, a war of ideals? A war of great scale? One battle, a champion for both sides. To avoid even more bloodshed The leaders of both sides agreed to a duel. Winning the duel meant winning the war, the loser would back down an accept the terms of the other. Each side was to choose a champion for this epic battle. Emperor Faelin Ularic chose no other than himself to be champion of his people. His opponent, the champion of man, Filavandrel Hero of The Vale.    The warriors met on Edhellen Hill. A green, rocky hill overlooking a large river. Large enough and far away enough for the battle. The Emperor and the Hero met on the hill at noon. Each would use one weapon and any and all magic. Faelin swung first, his blade rushed to meet Filavandrel's head, yet it did not find it. Filavandrel ducked then punched back right in the gut. The Emperor fell back but did not hunch over, for and emperor bows down to no one. The both swung and the swords met, their clash making a sweet tune. The elf put his hand forward and the hero was launched back. Hitting the ground he rolled to the edge of the hill. Filavandrel now on his back and his sword away from him was helpless. The Emperor put a blade to his neck, he pushed slowly and watched and the blood began to dribble down the hero's neck. Faelin asked for last words and the hero opened his mouth. But ice came from his mouth and not words.    A small compact blizzard propelled into Faelin's face. He staggered back and screamed in agony, his once beautiful face now blackened with frostbite. Filavandrel got to his his feet and brought his hands together, then he pulled them apart and lifted them towards the sky. He beckoned and the river below listened. A wave shot out and reached tall above the hero. As he pushed his hands forward the water followed. From its wave it spiraled around his arms and then away from his hands coming back to full power. Faelin's body caved in and his back crashed into the ground. Filavandrel found his sword and stood above the Emperor. Last words were given and the hero's sword found its destiny in the elf's heart and Faelin was returned to the magic cycle. Filavandrel was the victory and so The Vale took its victory in the war

The Conflict


The Elves stood down and resigned the war, agreeing to the human's terms.


The Blue Accords were written and signed. The terms of the Accords are still in effect to this day.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
When Filavandrel won the duel the Humans won the war.