The Great War Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

The Great War

The Great war was not the longest war in Ire, but it was the bloodiest. It was started in a battle for control over Greenhaven and the other human settlements in Tir Orail. After the humans took back The Vale in the Snake War the elves wanted the land they loaned the humans back, the humans disagreed. In the start the human kingdom was no match for the elven empire. Things changed for the Vale however, Filavandrel Hero of The Vale stepped into the war. With his aid the Vale was able to keep Tir Orail at a distance but now neither side could gain ground. Locked in the front line, neither one could defeat the other. Thousands of men and elves tried to cross the line, thousands died. The grass turned to red and screams took the place of air.   King Titus made a plan, a small siege party against the elves capitol city with Filavandrel and its head. The party snuck around Noair's land and laid siege to Mytal Alari. Yet even with the dragon rider this siege failed. In a desperate act King Titus offered an end to the war, a duel, one on one. Winner yields to the other. Emperor Faelin Ularic agreed to this but the King had deceived Faelin, When the Emperor rode out to fight he was faced not with the King but the King's champion. The Emperor faced Filavandrel Hero of The Vale. This would be the Emperor's end as Filavandrel would prove to be to strong.    Filavandrel won the duel and The Vale was saved. The Elves yielded to the humans and the war was over. Though it may be over the bad blood between the two is still strong. The humans were not merciful in their demands and elves never forget.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Elves signed the Blue Accord, which in short crippled their economy greatly.

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