Eadric Eberson

King of Furt (a.k.a. Hog)

From his first moments on this earth, Eadric's appetite was always vast. He would often win clan food eating competitions. For his great ability to eat his friends jokingly named him Hog. In 230 however, Eadric's appetite grew larger still. He set off away from home to found his own village and make a name for himself. Away from his well known father Eber. After four years of hard work Eadric had his wish, and Furt was born.   Eadric became comfortable in his new home. He called on his sister to come and join him in Furt...so that they might be married. Yes in those primitive times incest had not yet been outlawed, and there were those who saw nothing wrong in the matter(although it is important to note that it always upset the church.) In just over a fortnight his sister Brenna arrived and married Eadric. It his said her hair was golden, but thin. almost as thin as her body, but no one could deny she was a looker. A year later Brenna gave her brother a daughter, Selgi, and exactly a year later a boy named Bronn. However Bronn was born small, and twisted--his face a scrambled jigsaw puzzle. He died moments after taking his first breath.   In losing his son, Eadric also lost his comfort. He was again hungered for more. So in 241 Eadric unfurled a great banner from a top his home. He had taken from his name and made his sigil a silver hog on a teal back. He announced himself as King Eadric Eberson, and all the land he had conquered his kingdom. Eadric sent his raiders farther and farther out of Furt over the next four years, conquering more land. He never made it past the Small River however, as Chief Torn of Castle Black always drove him away.   In 242 Eadric married another woman, a Heden seer named Olja. Shortly after their marriage night Olja announced she was with child, and nine months later Eadric was given a son--Fjorn. Eadric ruled over his kingdom for the next two years with his two wives. Until In 244 the King was set upon by Ratmen while on a procession. With both his heirs still babes, Eadric had no one to succeed him. It was not long before Hog's kingdom crumbled.  


Brenna Ebersdottor


Towards Eadric Eberson


Eadric Eberson


Towards Brenna Ebersdottor




Towards Eadric Eberson


Eadric Eberson


Towards Olja


201 244 43 years old
Place of Death
Malpine Woods
Olja (Spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale & covered in tattoos
Aligned Organization