Efilius Dreadmore Character in Ire | World Anvil

Efilius Dreadmore

(a.k.a. The Bloodmaster)

Efilius is, interesting as vampires go. He was an elf, one of the original elves. He was already blessed with a affinity for magic, and he already had immortality, yet he craved more. When he learned of a new race of people(monsters) created by the most powerful wizard in the world he knew he needed to know there secrets. So Efilius set out to become a vampire, but being infected by one wouldn't do, he wanted to be pure. So he sought out Dark One Lexius and begged her to turn him as her predecessor made the vampires originally. The two struck a deal and Efilius got his wish.    Efilius is no joke. He is a High Vampire, the strongest of them all. He has spent centuries studying and perfecting blood magic. It is not wrong to say that Efilius's blood magic is the strongest that is and ever has been, surpassing the power of even Vlad the Eternal. While a member of the Court he hides away mostly, studying, practicing, and hungering. What he is preparing for no one knows, but if Efilius ever acts on his base instincts there are few who can stop him.
Year of Birth
1 2082 Years old
Void black
Aligned Organization