Mordred's Court

Born in blood in the Harsh Age, Mordred's court has fed on The Vale for generations. It was created by Dark One Spitta as were all the vampires, and it for a time was ruled by Dark One's Lexius and Harkon, but after they all passed the throne passed to an actual vampire, Vlad the Eternal. Vlad restructured the court to better serve the court and distance themselves from the Dark One.   Yet for one named Eternal Vlad too died. After that there was a power struggle for the throne, and more than a few vampires died for it. The winner of that little game of thrones was Lord Mordred, who controls the court to this day.   The Court hides themselves in a forgotten castle high in the mountains, built by the ancient clans. Morded wants power but does not want to anger the wrong people. So the court hunts from the shadows, keeping to themselves. The Court is made up of 23 vampires, but only a few have the power to challenge Mordred's claim, and one day they might.   "The snow in front of me began to clear, and what I saw intimidated even me. A castle. Its stone was pale black and all its windows were covered up. It had more than a dozen narrow towers reaching into the grey sky. It had worn down bridges, the same color as the rest of the castle, connecting some of the towers hanging over the chasm below. The gate was ice cold pig steel and the door was a pale red with silver trimming. Looking at that castle was like looking at death itself. She opened the door and pushed me inside. The indoors were just as cold as the storm outside. As I stood up I looked down at a room full of “people” from a small balcony. She walked me down the stairs and into the dining room. The tables were blood stained and the guests were feeding on hearts, livers and more. The guests all looked at me with hatred and hunger as I walked down the white rug. She thrust me to my knees in front of great stone steps. I looked up and beheld the reaper facing me. He sat on his cracked throne. His hair was black and stringy, his skin a rotting grey. His eyes were to grey, as if the color had been sucked right out of them. He had on black lipstick and fitted black robes. He put down his chalice and smiled, if you can even call it that."-King of Blood
Court System
Notable Members