Eridor Flameborn Character in Ire | World Anvil

Eridor Flameborn


"They only information we have on the Dragon-Master Eridor is the stories my grandfather passed down to my father, and him to me, but what stories they are."-Bjorn the Godless   Eridor was a pure blood elf and one of the privileged few who rode dragons, but he didn't ride just any dragon--no he rode Valinor the Strong-First Born of Ire--one of the Great Dragons. When he first formed in 798 Eridor was alone; weak and helpless. He wandered the Nachi Forest for years with no hope of escaping. As he fell to his knees ready for death a great fire blasted down from the heavens. The trees were lit a blaze and wind began spinning the dirt in a tornado. A great crimson dragon appeared before Eridor--the ground shaking with each flap of its wings. "I can lead you from this forest and much further. Follow the flame and you will find your home." The dragon told him. The dragon ascended into the sky, the forest fire vanishing as well. A small orange wisp was left in the charred wake. Eridor picked himself up and went to it and he saw another, and another.   The elf followed these wisps out of the forest and across the country. Across green plains and red woods and up the Golden Mountain. When Eridor reached the peak he was once again face to face with the Great Dragon. Eridor threw himself before the might beast in reverence. The dragon unfurled his wings and let a stream of orange and red fire into the sky--so bright it rivaled the sun. "I am Valinor the First Born." the dragon said calming down. "I am one of three, but one brother wanders--the other has died. Yet I sense their spirit in you tiny one. You who has crossed the land with no food nor water; driven only by fire and power. My power is great, to great to keep to myself. I shall teach you." When Eridor rose to his feet the entire mountain top was engulfed in flame so hot rocks melted, and the two vanished in the smoke. This was the start to Eridor's training to be the first Dragon Rider. The spectacle of their departure was so grand that the mountain was later named Sun's Landing by the Elves who witnessed the event.
1 2064 2063 years old
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