Grandak Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Grandak lays within the baren pass and is home to the Dhulka tribe. The Dhulka made the town by burrowing into and below the rocky walls the the baren pass. The town is very hidden and its entry points are heavily guarded. The town is large and expansive. Homes are burrowed into the walls of the town, from the outside they just look like square holes. On the inside they are bigger but not much, the Dhulka are a simple people. Grandak has large mines that supply building materials and minerals to the rest of the desert. The favor spot of the town is the arena. This arena is used often by the Dhulka for sparing and it was also cite of the tournament that chose the great army's general.   The town itself is three very large corridors connected by tunnel gates. You enter the town from the middle corridor which is where the housing and mines are. The mines on the lowest level and the houses overlook them. The Dhulka made great stone bridges and stairs to traverse between the levels, it is said that they made them by completely carving around them. Although with the Dhulka's abilities they do not need the steps and can simply burrow between the levels. Then Chieftains palace takes up the right corridor, and the left corridor is taking up by the arena.
Alternative Name(s)
The hole into the Underworld

Articles under Grandak