The Hiss Clan Organization in Ire | World Anvil

The Hiss Clan

The Hiss Clan are all Dhulkian. Their Clan formed shorty after the 2nd Snake War began. After the Natharian armies had marched into The Vale, this clan of warriors arrose to fight off the rebellions and monsters. After the war ended the Clan made home in Grandak, and some chose to pick up the trade of smithing.   They are highly respected within the Dhulkain city, and great smiths, and even better fighters. Their current leader Lorbo Hiss won the position in a Pit match, after the previous Clan Leader died at the Battle for Dragon Coast.   The Hiss people are not all relatives, for since they belive in strength, they take in those they deem strong. Because of this those who are orphaned in the city often join the Clan.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Notable Members
Related Species