Louis Ducal Character in Ire | World Anvil

Louis Ducal


Founder of Dekus Linral, King of the Coastlands, and the Beautiful King. All big names for a small elf. Louis Ducal got the land for his city by buying using Illusionary magic to trick and sway those around him. Making all who say his falls in love. Yet today he is rarley spoken of. So much so that many think Samael Dowager was the first ruler of the city. This is becasue of one fatal mistake.   Louis had recived a letter stating that the other three Kings of the land were meeting in Mytal Alari to speak of peace. At first he paid no mind, he much enjoyed his throne and his comfy bed, but his advisor Samael informed him there had been a second letted sent later. Stating that the Three Kings meant to make him Emperor should he buy them out. Before setting off he intrusted the payments to his Advisor. When later Louis and the other Kings were tricked by Faelin Ularic, Samael arose with his new forture and pledged himself and the city to the new Emperor.
Founded Settlements