Dekus Linral Settlement in Ire | World Anvil

Dekus Linral

Built in 887, Dekus Linral has gaurded the Wet Lands for hundreds of years. It is a place of outstanding beauty. Situated in between ocean and river; surrounded by trees. The wildlife love to graze just outside the city almost year long.(save for spring as the fields often flood.) Dekus Linral is home to the Fabachi School of Art, Wetland Wine Co., Elizabeth's Familars, Scarlet Spinners, and many more fantastic stops.   Dekus Linral is second smallest of the holds, and the weakest in millitary. This is because the Samran Samael Dowager has kept it this way. He has withheld his ambitions to keep his people confinded and safe. This is not to say the city itself is weak. Few elves would dare to cross the Winter Angel.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Rain, God's Eye
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