Louis of The Emerald City Character in Ire | World Anvil

Louis of The Emerald City

Captain (a.k.a. The Stray)

Louis is the bastard son of a dead prince. His mother was the Baker's daughter, and his father was Princ Revalor Ularic. Louis is the next male heir to the Empire but he will never be acknowledged, and he knows it. So he left the city; moved to Thalas, and enlisted in the army. He started as a humble foot soilder--he was often given monster patrol. Over the years he honed his craft and became captain; in this time Louis never married and never had children. He also has no contact with his royal family. He fought on the Darkest Day, but never saw them.   He may try to stay far away from it but the truth is his existence is a living challenge, and when Glanduil Ularic dies the Throne will be in question for the first time in history.  

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite having Ularic blood in his veins, Louis has little to no magic.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2000 83 Years old
Deep saphire
Long, Grey