Reshire Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Reshire is an old and storied city in Tir Orail. It is ruled over by House Draconis and Samran Solas Draconis. The city is marked by its love of dragon décor. When the Dragon Riders still lived Reshire had a great standing with them. The city has a large landing zone for dragons.  They say the whole city was shaped with dragon fire.   In the Creed War the city was taken by the Creed of Light and they held it four several years


The city is armed to the teeth and always ready to defend. This is partly due to the Samran's mistrust. The city has been taken once in the past but the Samran returned and put the traitors to the sword, and bettered the defenses for next time.

Points of interest

  • Siren Silks
  • Avaloch's Skull
  • Ruby Castle
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Dragon's Landing
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location