Metidale Brightrore Character in Ire | World Anvil

Metidale Brightrore

King (a.k.a. The Wise King)

Early in the days of Ire, before the even the Great Tree itself were fully grown, Metidale Brightrore ruled the North-Eastern lands of Tir Orail. His Kingdom was Thalas, and many to day say it never had a ruler as fit as the first. His fellow Kings maintained their power through magic, numbers, and by force; Metidale used trade, watching, and in all fairness--magic.    Yet Metidale's magic was differnent. He was the first healer to have ever been born amongst the Elves, and the teacher to many Restoration Medics. When he would heal someone his hand's glew and burned hot, like a bright roar.   When the Wise King was summoned to a peace meeting by King Faelin Ularic he saw the plan for what it was, and refused to go. He closed the city and called his banners, but it was all for nought. For his servent Uranor Silversmith slipped a knife into the back of his neck when he was not looking. The King's final words would be "Harken to the Rider's Son" After the Council of 888 Uranor would be appointed Samran of Thalas, but he did not rule long fo every debt must be paid. When the years of shade began Thalas was attacked and Uranor died clinging to the chair he so loved.
Founded Settlements