Thalas Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Thalas is an Elven city that sits near the border between Tir Orail and The Vale. House Hirkrina rules over the city with the head of the house Galthir Hirkrina being Samran of the city.   In its time Thalas was one of the most beautiful cities in Tir Orail. The stone work of the walls was clean and elegant. The towers twisted and spiraled into the heavens, and the golden banners hung high in the city, watching over it, but now in present times it is the poorest city in Tir Orail. It's walls have withered, the towers crumbled and the smell of shit is the only thing that hangs in the air. Why exactly it has fallen so far is up for debate. Some say it is because of the Great War, but others claim it fell hundreds of years before that. Some claim the Creed War did it in, others say the Years of Shade did it.

Industry & Trade

Thalas makes most its coin from wine. There are vinyards outside the city that supplies it while the workers inside the city ship it elsewhere.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Underground

Points of interest

  • The Light-bringer's memorial
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Memories
Included Locations

Articles under Thalas