Rainholm Settlement in Ire | World Anvil


Rainholm sits in the golden fields of The Vale, and is the capital of Rainhold. Its citizens hard working farmers by trade and Rainholm has many smaller farms that surround it in a circular fashion. The golden fields and all they hold are ruled over by Ealdorman Elanor Trueborn. He makes sure the outer farms and the town are protected and that the rest of the Vale gets the grain they need. His houses banner is that of a golden horse. In fact horses are highly respected in Rainholm. They are the finest breed in all of The Vale, most people have one, from upperclassmen to peasants. The Ealdorman's men are light armored masters of the horse and sword, they bring a swift end to any that threaten the peaceful existence of Rainholm.   The people of Rainholm are a simple but happy folk, they value hard work and good drink. They have had much peace and only faced true threat when the town was under siege from the Bullks.   "The dew soaked golden grass clung onto Veli’s boots as he approached Rainholm’s walls. It was a city centered in the storied walls of a once great fortress. The wall is so old in fact that it was built by the clans of the first men. Standards depicting a golden horse on a brown background hung over the gate..."   Jack nodded and began to lead the party into the city. Horses were being stabled as they entered. They were poor horses but even they looked immensely strong and wickedly fast. Eventually they reached the Golden Tower, home to the Trueborns. It was nothing beautiful but it was impressive. A large rectangular tower that sat high about the fortress city. A long green rug lined the way to the Ealdormans throne upon their entrance. There waiting on the chair was a gorgeous woman with honey blonde hair and eyes like fresh green grass. She was tall and slim, but with a sword strapped to her side. Veli and his party knelt on one knee before her. "-Riderson