Phillip Draconis Character in Ire | World Anvil

Phillip Draconis

Phillip is an utter disappointment to his family. His father is an Elder Elf and head of a high family of the Empire. His siblings are pure-blood elves and all famous and renowned in their own right, but not Phillip. He is a half elf. His father bred with a human during his travels to The Vale. His father allowed him to keep the name Draconis and lets him within the city but banned him from the palace and the royal court.   So Phillip decided to strike out on his own and live in The Vale. He took an oath to the Ealdorman of Rainholm and serves the hold to this day. He is a ranger and a quick fighter. He fought on the Darkest Day but earned no prestige from it, although Phillip just considers himself lucky to have survived the battle.
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