Rorin Griffon-Master

Rorin is a Black Dagger of Castle Black. He has been with the guild since he was 4 and has trained everyday to become a ruthless monster hunter, and he did. Rorin's greatest feat was in the town of Orebrook. While there in passing a silver griffon descended onto the town and began picking off the people. Rorin single handily slayed the beast with only a broom stick.   Rorin often only goes after high risk contracts. He has slain everything from Spitters to Manticores. Rorin is one of the few Daggers to have faced a vampire, killed it and lived to tell the tale. He has killed Wendigo's in Eldre, Harpies in Norwich, Nykur on the Southern Isles and so much more. Rorin puts on a brave face but he is truly tired.  
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