Black Daggers Organization in Ire | World Anvil

Black Daggers

Black Daggers (Often referred to as a Dagger) are a guild of people who have dedicated themselves to slaying monsters. They all brand a tattoo of crossed black daggers on somewhere on their body.   These monster hunters recruit boys and only boys from a young age. Where and how they get these boys is a secret the guild won't reveal. They train the boys hard, often pitting them in combat against one another, to the death. Once a person is initiated as a Dagger they leave everything of their old life behind and or forbidden to go back to it in any way.   The Daggers have four strongholds all in The Vale, yet all countries utilize their work. There is Castle Black just south of Xares. Then there is Ger Hold east of Xares. Then Sky Castle south of Woldenshire. Lastly there is Everfall keep south of Furt. These strongholds while on the King's soil are free and independent of the royal family. The king has no say when it comes to the Dagger strongholds.   When a person needs A Daggers help they usually leave a notice or get the word out. A Dagger lives their life on the road going from town to town for contracts. They get hired, kill the monster, get paid and leave. Taught never to get involved in the affairs of the normal folk. When a Black Dagger dies the faction will retrieve their body. The Black Daggers are taught many secrets on monster killing and the faction does not want someone to extract them.
Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary

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