Siege of Mytal Alari Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

Siege of Mytal Alari

In 2057 of the Golden Age the elven capital of Mytal Alari was unsuccessfully sieged by the Human armies. The siege lasted 2 and a half days until the Elves were able to drive the human forces back. The humans were greatly outnumbered and outmatched against the elves and it was a great slaughter. Now being greatly weakened and now with the Elven army marching full force to The Vale King Titus l was in a bad situation. He proposed a duel to the Elven Emperor to end the war, this would be the Duel on Edhellen.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Result
The Human's failure forced them into drastic measures, calling for a duel with the Elven Emperor.