Sir Moraine Character in Ire | World Anvil

Sir Moraine

Knight Captain (a.k.a. Sir Moraine The Valiant)

Morain of Nedfurt was one of the first Knight of 13 and in his time was the best swordsman in the world. When King Bulagaurd was looking for warriors to form the Knights of 13 he travel the country, searching. When he arrived at the village of Nedfurt he issued a challenge to any willing party, to duel him, he who could best him would be rewarded with wealth and fame. Of course no one wanted to duel the King, except for one 17 year old boy. Morain took up the King's challenge and dueled him, to Bulagaurd's surprise he was indeed bested.   Sir Morain started just as a knight but proved himself in training to be much more than that, so he was promoted to Knight Captain, a second leader for the 13. Sir Moraine lead the 13 in the Battle of the Sands, but unfortunately failed to protect his King in the conflict. He returned Bulagaurd's to his son,  Prince Sigurd and begged for his forgiveness. The Prince was outraged at the knight's failure, as punishment Morain would be sent on a quest to redeem his honor. His quest was a simple, but impossible task, he was to slay the wizard who had tormented the land for generations, he was to slay the Dark One.   So hell bent on his quest Sir Moraine spent decades searching for a way to kill the Dark One permanently. He traveled all across the country in hopes of finding an answer. He turned his eyes to the vampires, a new breed of monster concocted by the Dark One himself. He formed a small party of warriors and commoners who wished to destroy the vampires, this would later grow into a guild, that would fade from history. He believed if he could interrogate the vampires, they could provide answers. He lead a few members of his guild into the vampire's castle in hopes of finding their leader. This mission would be the knight's last. The monsters knew of the attack and laid a trap within their home for Sir Moraine and his party. Only one of his party made it out of the castle that night to tell the story. No one knows the specifics of how Sir Moraine died, but after all these years he must be dead.
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