The Knights of 13/ The Knights of Xares

The Knights of 13 are a the proud and sworn knights of Xares and of the King. Their order is based in Xares and their home is in the Royal Castle. Their crest is a unicorn head surrounded by thirteen swords in a circle. Being of knight of Xares is a hard thing to accomplish. They order only allows 13 knights in total. For someone to become a knight one of the previous has to die first. Even then only human men of noble houses are allowed to squire and become knights. When a Knight of 13 does die a tournament is held, pitting all of the knight's squire against each other. The winner fills the fallen Knight's place and takes the oath, and then is officially knighted by the King. The Knight's oath consist of 13 vows that they make, sealed by a phrase-"Come brilliant day, or pitch-black night. I pledge my honor, and my fight. A guarding shield, a guiding light. Against the fiends of evil's plight." By saying those words the knight agrees to,
  • To never marry
  • To never have children
  • To forsake all claims to land and title
  • To forsake any blood feuds
  • To protect the people
  • To serve the King till your death
  • To protect the royal family
  • To protect The Vale
  • To defend Xares
  • To support your 12 brothers
  • To Honor God
  • To only wield magic for light
  • To never abandon your 12 brothers
  The Knights of 13 only leave the city when on assignment from the King or royal commander, but have the freedom to venture around the city as they wish. The Knights are the most skilled fighters in The Vale. Trained with all manor of weapons, but when they are knighted the are given a sword brandishing a unicorn on the pommel. They are also fitted for specific heavy armor just for them. Each knights armor will look slightly different as they are made to fit the knight' family house, like a memory of where they started. The current 13 knights are,
  • Sir Hector Ursain
  • Sir Robert Horn
  • Sir Alexander Ursain
  • Sir Dontos Spear-Brave
  • Sir John
  • Sir Jarin
  • Sir Bartley
  • Sir Hamlin
  • Sir William Luarant
  • Sir Drue
  • Sir Allan Gray
  • Sir Emory
  • Sir Lorian Crestwood

To Serve God, To Serve The King and To Serve The People

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order