The Battle of The Redwood Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

The Battle of The Redwood

In 2057 King Titus the First made a move to end the Great War. He planned to siege the great Elven capitol of Mytal Alari. Titus knew there was no way he could sneak an army that far into Tir Orail, so he made a plan. Half of his force would split off and create a diversion so the rest of the army could make it to the city, this diversion was the battle of the Redwood.   Filavandrel Hero of The Vale directed his part of the army to House Draconis. He moved slowly, and loudly to draw their attention. He sacked the Redwoods, a forest nearby the Draconis city and home to their dragon temples. He tore down the trees and burned the Elven temples. Outraged the elves marched their forces to him. Filavandrel kept his forces hidden within the trees and bushes. When the elves got into the field outside of the Redwoods he ambushed them.    The Elves had the numbers but blinded by rage they were taken by surprise. The human forces began picking them off. A quarter of the human army stayed hidden, raining arrows down onto the elves, the rest fought them hand to hand. With the element of surprise and the help of Kuthu War-Bringer Filavandrel won the battle of The Redwood with minimal casualties, and what is more it was a big enough attack for Titus's army to reach Mytal Alari.   Elves and Humans were locked in place for most of the Great War. This battle was the first real break in the standstill and was the first act in the Human's eventual victory.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Conflict Result
The Valian army reached the Elven Capital un-detected.