The Far North Geographic Location in Ire | World Anvil

The Far North

Eldre is known as the north but in truth The Far North holds that title. It is a series of large, frozen land rings at the northern pole of Ire. It never stops snowing there and it gets minimal sunlight. Only one viking has ever been crazy enough to sail for The Far North. In 2009 Mor'du Bronloch took a party north on his ship The Kodiak to try and settle there, and the did for a time. The settlement of Berg lasted for 3 years before it was abandoned and snowed over. When he returned home in 2011 Mor'du came with a trophy--a blue dragon egg. He had found it submurged deep under water and ice. He could only see its faint shine from the bottom of the black pool. Despite all efforts, the egg never hatched, and in 2017 it was lost forever when the Viking Norald Red-Sea sailed away with the egg; his ship was attacked and the egg dropped to the ocean floor.   No one can be entirely certain what else lays in the Far North. No an expedition has ever lasted long. They say there are crows, made of ice, and large as dogs. Wraiths made of frost and shadow, Ice giants that will grind you into paste, and an ice dragon that blends in with the falling snow. You hear voices leading you off course; leading you to your death.

Natural Resources

  • Crism
Inhabiting Species