Wendigos Species in Ire | World Anvil


They are very rare, almost a myth but the wendigo does exist. In the Eldre mountains the dwarves fear and hide from them. When the snow falls and the air chills, the wendigo begin to stalk. They have a hunger for flesh that can never be sated. They are tall and lanky, they have greyed skin and red eyes that cut through the night. Their touch is cold and their breath colder.   When their hunt begins they go the to homes of the greediest dwarves and rip them apart. Cutting into them and eating everything. They start with the organs, then they chomp on the limps, and then they finish the torso, and then the head last.   So if you find yourself in the mountains in winter, you might want to bar the doors.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Wendigos seem to have an understanding of things around them. When their packs come you can here them mubling curses in a dead tongue
Scientific Name
Natra Mythra
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution