The Nathair Species in Ire | World Anvil

The Nathair

The five martial arts of the Nathair are distinctly different. Tent Sho focuses on circular/spiraling motions with a focus on moving and changing to best fit the current fight. Fra Doe is about single but deadly strikes to important nerves and organs, It is said that a master of Fra Doe can defeat an opponent with a single move. Cae Po is about hard devastating blows to the target to break bones. Poin How focuses on redirection of the opponent and using there own energy and momentum against them. Mi Low is about distraction and striking, a famous saying in Mi Low is "One hand lies, The other tells the truth." A master of Mi Low can divert their opponent's attention away with false movements and then go in for the real attack.
To the east of the Vale there is the desert. The desert is for the most part baren and void of much life. However a race of snake people make the desert their home. The Nathair are snake like beings with similar body structure to humans for the most part. They are faster and have a higher endurance than other races. There are 5 tribes of the Nathair, each tribe having different psychical traits and natural born abilities. Each tribe has a natural gift that only members of that tribe are able to use. Each tribe also has it's own martial art they practice.   The first tribe is the Ukulutha More blue in color their magic lies in their eyes. They can hypnotize their foes with them. The stronger ones can also read minds. The Ukulutha live in the colder northern part of the desert and practice Tent Sho, a martial art.   Next is the Qadhaadh. More red and white in color with a single bite they inject a potent poison of which has no cure. The Qadhaadh take the east desert and practice Fra Doe, a martial art.   Then there is the Dhulka. The most physically strong and more black in color. Their grip is inescapable and they are able to burrow through the ground. The Dhulka live in the south east of the desert and practice Cae Po, a martial art.   After that is the Toxicus. Green in color they are known for making expert potions and poisons. They can spray a potent toxin that if it gets in one's eyes can cause hallucinations for hours. Instead of the harsh desert areas the Toxicus live in a desert oasis. Full of lush plants to make homes and poisons out of. They practice Poin How, a martial art.   Lastly there is the Mendax. Purple in color they are the least trustworthy of the Nathair but quite deadly. With the power to turn invisible. They practice Mi Low, a martial art.   The Nathair keep peace by choosing a king. In the center of the desert they have built an arena. When the old king dies they gather here. Any snake who wishes to be the new king enters the tournament and fights to the death with the others in a 1 on 1 round based sport. The winner and only one left living is the new king. Any of the tribes can be king     Unlike the elves the Nathair were given magick at the same time but by the dark god. Who not only gave magic to them but a cursed ring. The first to wear the ring was given unstoppable power and immortality Much to their dismay the Nathair accidentally were responsible for humans learning magic.
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