The Siege of The Silver City

Dekus Linral would be the first real loss for the Empire during The Creed War. Up to the point they had seen massive victories, but all that morale would be broken by Merlin Sunborn. Merlin was one of Vaelock's main Priests. A master of 8 magics, and and skilled with the sword, he was one of the most powerful. When he rode up to the gate of the city he did not have the Elves, or the firepower to take the city. Samael Dowager mocked him from a top of the wall, but Merlin said nothing and sat down on the grass and closed his eyes. His mages protected him as he sat there for the next three weeks. Each day he sat the air got hotter. By the end the Elves in the city were dying of heat stroke, and the soilders were to tired to fight back.   To save his people Samael threw open the gates and fled with his family. As a result of his means, Merlin plunged Dekus Linral into a two year long drought, but as Samran Merlin saw his people through it.
Conflict Type
Start Date


Merlin's Band

Led by


  • 30,000 mages.


  • 17,091 mages.


Break the Samran's will, and take Dekus Linral