The Wraith of Bàs Mavra

The Wraith of Bàs Mavra has persisted and terroized Eldre since before the dawn of Ire. He is warrior/son to death. Everynight he rides up from Bàs Mavra a top his black steed Purgatory to drag poor souls down to his father's realm. He prefers to butcher the innocent--so that they suffer more in Bàs Mavra. The Wraith wears black plate armor on top of white scale-mail, and wields a terrible looking spear. Its tip wavy and sharp. The wraith is immortal, no blade, arrow, or spell can kill it. He rides faster than the wind and is stronger than any dwarf. His mere presence is that of ice and his heart like coal.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Southern Provice-Eldre
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