Dwarves Species in Ire | World Anvil


The dwarves are shorter than most folk, most stand around the high four feet, but what they lack in height they more than make up for in heart. Their natural strength is greater than any of the other races. Some of them are seafaring folk, the rest make mining and mountains their trade. What they can't get in the mountains they get by sailing to other lands and taking what they need. Because of this dwarves are not looked on to kindly by many.   Unlike the other races Dwarves are not unified. Eight clans rule the mountains each with a Jarl at it's head, Each one believing they should be the one to rule over the others. The most powerful of these clans is Clan Bronloch. The members of Clan Bronloch are said to be decedents of the giants, because of this their flag brands a giant wielding two hammers. There are the other clans, Dugna, Skjall , Volsung , and many others, but Bronloch has the biggest army. Dwarves practice an older type of magick and no one is quite sure where they learned it. They inscribe things with runes, these many and vast runes all having different powers. They worships no gods, instead they worship what they have named, the Original Races. These are the giants, the Great Dragons and the Ire Tree. Dwarves are known for making the best weapons and armor in Ire and often are hired to smith for the other races. Having experience with heavy land combat and sea raids the Dwarves wear very different kinds of armor for different battles.     For most of history the dwarves kept to themselves, that was until they sailed to Ashgaurd. There they provoked the Bullks and brought world war to Ire. On the darkest day the united with the Humans, Elves, and Nathair to defeat the savage army. After this the dwarves intergraded with the other cultures more. Dwavern smiths and shops found their way into The Vale and The Golden Land.
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