
Vorodorom is the great sandstone Capital of The Desert. When it was founded by the first Desert King it was nothing more than a cluster of huts but today is the greates and most well defended city in The Desert. Artisans and merchants from across the tribes and even Kerne set up shop in the city and trade along the Ruby Road. Yet Vorodorom is also has a dark underbelly, get to pulled in by the city, and you might never get out. Crime is taken very seriously in the city. Thieves have the scales torn from the palms of their hands(or have them branded if they have flesh), Rapists are gelded and have their eyes removed, tax evaders are made into slaves, and murderes are put into the army.

Industry & Trade

Vordorom is the start to the Ruby Road, the longest trade route in The Desert. With Vendors from across Kerne.
Founding Date
Location under
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