Titan Hiss


Titan Hiss, of the Hiss Clan. Was born and raised in Grandak. Even as a hatchling, he was large. He quickly took a liking to sparing and fighting, and as he grew up, his size became more immense. As an adolesent, he found work acting as a protector to the miners digging for ore. This never truly made him happy however. He yearned for something greater, something beyond the dirt and stone walls of his home. He would get his wish when King Vexus visited Grandak to meet with the Chieftan. The King, upon seeing Titan, remarked on his size, and told Titan that he should enlist his army.   When Titan told his clan of the news, he was met with much support. For such a thing would bring the Hiss Clan great honor. So Titan packed up and moved to the Capital. His strength and size allowed him to pass training, and quickly rise up the ranks.   After Titan's display during The Darkest Day, King Vexus appointed him to his personal gaurd.
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