Where The Giant Lay Myth in Ire | World Anvil

Where The Giant Lay

"Come close little one, it is time for me to tell you a story. A story about the biggest Dragon to ever live.     Before the first hour of Ire there was nothing but A vast cold abyss covered in ice. Far beyond this abyss was another realm. One where Dragons of all kinds flew and live in peace. The Dragons that live there are far bigger than any that Ire has seen, and far more powerful. From this realm Three brothers flew into the abyss, Valinor, Kthos, and Dorthal. Valinor was strong, Dorthal wise, and Kthos colossal. From parts of his own body Kthos built the earth and soil, and even after he was done he was still the largest of all. Valinor heated the earth, and Dorthal sprung forth the plants. After their work was done the brothers would split up to protect their new world. Valinor would fly far East to the Ire Tree, Dorthal went South, and Kthos went North.   Soon the Giants and Ents were born to this world, and no longer were the Dragons lonley, but being so large Kthos kept to the skies, were no other could join him. So using his body once more he made the first Dragons born to Ire. He made them smaller, and weaker than he and his brothers so that they may never over take them, but doing this came at the cost of weaking him greatly, and soon he could no longer take to the skies, or support his own weight. He would eventually die where he landed a top the mountains. They say before he went he visited his homeland oncemore and brought back a great horde of wealth that he buried himself with. With Kthos's passing the first year began, and over the centuries the mountains have ate his grave. Only his brothers know its location now."
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