Wyverns Species in Ire | World Anvil


The Wyvern is similar but different to a dragon. When the Dark God saw that the Light God made the dragons, the Dark God to wanted winged beasts to serve it but failed to replicate the dragon and ended up with the wyvern. Wyverns have two back legs and two wings. They have sharp pointed tails and narrow snouts filled with sharp jagged teeth. They breath fire and are extremely fast in the air. They prefer to make their nests in places with high elevation.   Wyverns are feral hunters of all prey. They will usually be attacked on sight and will not stop chasing their prey until they get it. They can grow to be any number of sizes, they can be the size of a house cat or that horse and anything in between. The larger ones are around the same size as a base sub dragon. In the past Black Daggers would be the ones to kill wyverns but now with the Order of Valor it is up in the air. Luckily Wyverns scales are not an strong as dragons, making them easier to kill, but they are still not joke. If hunting monsters isn't your profession it is probably best to stay clear of Wyverns, and even then....be careful.     "Wyverns, while still dangerous are comparatively easy to kill. They are smaller than dragons, their breath doesn't get as hot as a dragon's and their scales are weaker than that of a dragons. Since they are small trapping them in a tight space doesn't work, so we will fight them anywhere we see them. Pikes and polearms are the Order's weapon of choice for Wyverns. A powerful enough thrust can get through their scales and it keeps the monster as far away from the warrior as possible."-Valor's Guide to Killing Dragons & Wyverns, By Captain Belmont
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