Dragons Species in Ire | World Anvil


The Dragons belong to all lands as they were some of the first things created by the light god. And the first race to exist. In later years some Elves would make packs with dragons to work together, these people will one day be known as dragon riders. There were three great dragons. All three possess the ability to control other dragons but not each other. There are Dorthal-The Wise-Far Seer, Valinor-The Strong-First Born of Ire, and Kthos-The Giant. In modern times Kthos is no longer living. There are sub dragons. The Red Dragon, KuThu the water dragon and Gornstrum the earth dragon to name a few.   While some dragons do indeed breath fire there are other elemental dragons. They're Water dragons who can breath out water and ice. Earth dragons who whip up a whirlwinds of earth and can cause earthquakes.   In old times dragons were respected and feared greatly. People would blame droughts, tornados, earthquakes and other forces of nature on the dragons. To see a dragon, even if only for a second was a great honor, and if one was to see one the the Great Dragons, that was truly special. In current times the dragon's numbers are dwindling. They are being hunted all over the world by The Order of Valor and without protection from the Dragon Riders many are dying off.     "You do not hunt Dragons, you trap Dragons. Dragons and Wyverns are very fast, very strong, and can fly. If you were to attack one of these Draconids head on death would be certain. A regular Sub Dragon can be anywhere from the size of a large horse to the size of a Ridgeback Elephant. They like to use this size paired with their flight to devastate targets. In fact their flight gives them an unprecedented advantage against any foe. So how do you remove this factor? The answer, chains."-Valor's Guide to Killing Dragons & Wyverns, By Captain Belmont
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