Darlan of Jarkar
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Darlan grew up in Jarkar city. While there was a mage's guild in the city, they would not accept nor teach him. Darlan went his own way. He learned from hedge mages, black magicians, and whomever else would teach him. He learned from the worst, strengthening his resole and pushing to not take shortcuts. He began, using some of that back alley teaching, breaking in to the libraries at night and studying whatever he could.
Eventually, the great wizard, Sollock decided to take him on as a protege, seeing great power in him. Sollock trained him rigorously and thoroughly, hoping one day Darlan would take his place in the College of Magus.
Darlan parted way after his training and became a mage for hire, demanding huge sums and only working for whomever was rich enough to pay him. He worked for those in charge of armies, cities, or sometimes, directly for the emperor. His duties ranged from keeping peace to keeping tabs on nobles, although never as an assassin. Darlan usually found the answer to a question his employer could not answer.