BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2021 Pledge


My writings are primarily intended for my own enjoyment, so I feel no pressure to work on a specific project. However, my work on this world has been centered around a vague idea of possibly running a D&D campaign in the region of the Iron Hills, so if inspiration strikes for an article relevant to that region and its conflicts and for one that is not, I will focus on completing the former for Summer Camp, just taking notes on the latter for later completion.  


As with all of my writings on World Anvil, all of my Summer Camp articles will take place on the world of Irion, for at present, I have no other.  

Region of Focus

In Summer Camp 2020 and WorldEmber 2020 I focused largely on developing the country of Kinilan, the country which any players in my D&D game are expected to support (though, of course, players are known for their ability to surprise the gamemaster). I will try to extend at least some of my attention to developing the country of Chelestra, which has only recently made peace with Kinilan after a long war over the aforementioned Iron Hills region.  

Completion Target

It is my intent to complete all 31 prompts of this year's Summer Camp. While this may change in the unlikely event that some prompts do not inspire any ideas I feel worth writing down, I have not had that problem with the two other Summer Camps I have taken part in.  

Writing Schedule

Evenings tend to be my most productive writing time, so I will be working on Summer Camp for at least half an hour most evenings in June. My life is less busy than most, so for me it will simply be a matter of choosing to work on Summer Camp projects rather than other hobbies. It will be interesting to see how I do with this during a period of lower stress, as both Summer Camps I completed as well as WorldEmber 2020 were turbocharged with nervous energy. Hopefully there will not be any surprises this year to cause that particular form of motivation!  

Support Groups

Over the last year, I have found that many of the people on the World Anvil discord are extremely supportive, both from a morale perspective and from the practical matters of finding inspiration, working out how to turn that inspiration into a concrete idea, and providing technical support when I find the World Anvil interface doesn't conform to my expectations. (This is not to say it's a bad interface - an interface that worked the way my brain works would likely be hard on the servers and absolutely cryptic for anyone else. I'm just not particularly prolific, especially when it comes to the more involved features, and thus many of these systems are unfamiliar to me.)


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Jun 15, 2021 13:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, I like you're going to be focusing a little on a new country! Can't wait to read about it! :) Good luck!