Alizeh, the Queen of Air

Alizeh, the Queen of Air, was the embodiment of the element of air and goddess of elemental air, speed and flying creatures. As an immortal being of freedom and travel, she instructed her followers to move as much as possible from place to place and from activity to activity.

After the Spellplague, Alizeh was reported to be not a true goddess but a primordial, a member of an elemental race once in competition with the gods before they were driven away. As one of the few primordials who did not ware with the gods, Alizeh remained in power.

Alizeh was considered one of the four elemental deities, a god who remained unchanged by history and the passage of time.

After the collapse of her plane, her location is unknown, but as she's immortal, people believe she's still out there somewhere
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by John-Paul Balmet