Halden Downbreath

Halden Downbreath was the Prince of Delar, the last of the house of Downbreath, as well as a senior member of the Magisters. He would go on to betray his people, aligning himself with The Defender who enticed Halden with a promise of power.   He was branded a traitor after his allegiance to the dark god was revealed, losing the support of Delar and their allies. Banished, he began to try and summon The Defender to this world, when a band of adventurers stopped and slew him. Unbenownst to them, he had achieved Lich hood, and returned to his phylactery  where he waits.  


The only son of Kavalin Downbreath, king of Delar, Prince Halden was also a powerful mage and a member of the Magisters as well as a follower of the Order of the Sun.   After the death of his father, Halden. grew to hate the undead and denzins of the Underdark, which morphed into hating anyone not of blood like he was. With his father gone, Halden knew that leading his people was now his duty alone. Abandoning his studies, Halden returned to Westridge where he sent Sathis Sunwish to Leth'laris Windsorrow, to inform his people about the coming of their prince.    Organizing the survivors of the battle, Halden evacuated as many of them as he could, and came to burn several acres of the forests in which his father had fought, thinking to destroy the dark elves and their dwarven brethren. He arrived in Westridge to an icy reception. His prolonged abcense had been noted and the populace was downtrodden, fearing the prince would abandon them. Halden first met with Leth'laris, who had rallied the remaining people in his absence, and was shown to the body of his father. Halden performed a blessing and told his father that he was lost without him; that Kavalin was king, not him. He asked his father for strength to lead their people forward and watched that night as Kavalin was cremated on a funeral pyre.   Halden made no excuses for being absent in Delar's darkest hour. He resolved to prove himself to the people and do whatever he could to rebuild what had been destroyed. It was hard as he had always felt distant from his people. They were largely insular and isolationist and he was quite the opposite. He wanted to see the world, interact with other races and learn new ideas. Despite this, he loved his people and kingdom.
As time passed, Halden began to see enemies behind every corner, and trusted no one, not even his advisors from the Order, Magisters and Striders. In the dark of night, he began to hear whispers of the Defender in his dreams, where the god promised him the power to fight and defeat his enemies.  As he fell further under the dark god's power, Halden began to destroy parts of his Kingdom, setting fire to villages, or destroying them outright with magic and an elite group of men and women he called his Hunters. He began to collect arcane artifacts, building a large summoning circle within the keep in Westridge but word got out, though no one knows to this day how. Halden made his final stand, a shadow of his former self, corrupted by the void magics of his new god, and met his end with raving insanity, wishing only a violent death upon his killers.
The betrayal of Halden sent shockwaves throughout the kingdom, and as Halden was the last known member of the Downbreath dynasty, Regent Lord Leth'laris Windsorrow became the sole leader of the people of Delar. His once noble goals for his people aside, Halden is now reviled as a traitor, who attempted to sell both his people and himself to The Defender and his void minions. His death brought an unhappy end to the Downbreath dynasty, casting a bitter pall over the people left behind. His allegiance to The Defender severely hampered relations with the other kingdoms of Irion, connections Leth'laris has had to take steps to repair.   Sathis, who was perhaps left the most shattered of all after Halden's betrayal, mentioned that he had been buried under Westridge with his father.
Amber, squinty
Long, sleek, white blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white