Kavalin Downbreath

Kavalin was the High King of Delaran, a descendant of the royal elven bloodline of the Feywild. His reign, which lasted nearly 900+ years was marked by several conflicts that threatened the continued existence of Delar, ending with his death at the hands of dark elf assassins.   As decreed by his son and successor, Halden Downbreath, Kavalin was to be the very last king of Delar. Halden's own successor, the Regent Lord Leth'laris Windsorrow, has also upheld this, acknowledging Kavalin and Halden as the last elves with a right to kingship over Delar.


Kavalin was traveling the road between Copperhill and Westridge with a large contingent of magisters when word reached them of an unprovoked invasion of dark elves and duergar upon villages near the mountains of Delar. Gathering his forces, Kavalin headed to the dwarves' aid. He cut a swath of destruction through the dark hordes beneath the mountain, clad in his armor and wielding a flaming two-handed axe. He fought ferociously, knowing as he looked over the scores of dwarves and dead elves that this would likely be his last battle.    Though both his formidable martial prowess and spellcasting proved an apt counter to the dark magics of the underdark, Kavalin's age hindered him in his last desperate battle to protect his people, and he was struck with a mortal wound that brought him to his knees. His people rushed him back to their camp, trying to heal his wounds, and in the dead of night, a dark elf assassin snuck into the tent to finish the job.   Kavalin was cremated on a funeral pyre in the Bazaar of Westridge after Prince Halden had said his private farewells.


King Kavalin is remembered as one of Delar's greatest heroes. His sacrifice is honored yearly in Delar. To this day, the people of Delar are known to charge into battle with the name of their fallen king upon their lips. Lady Aelrel has described his death as a huge blow to Delar, writing that for many of her people, their hears and hopes died with their beloved king. Prince Halden decreed that King Kavalin would be the very last king of Delar and chose to style himself with various other titles instead.
Lawful Good
Circumstances of Death
Amber and squinty
Long, sleek, white blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white