
One-Eye, Blood-Bringer, the Vigilant Wrath, Lord of Rage, the Watcher in Darkness
Laghed, the Ruiner is the chaotic evil god who commands hordes of barbaric marauders across Irion to destroy, pillage, and slaughter.
Laghed is an unusual god, representative of a truly unusual race – orcs. As a deity, Laghed has never fit in well with the pantheon of the other Gods. He has few long-term alliances with any other major deity; he does hold, however, an impressive number of grudges and hatreds towards the other gods. He despises all the good gods, most of the unaligned ones, and a majority of the evil deities, each for different reasons, of course.

The greatest of Laghed's many feuds involves Veles, the creator of the eladrins and elves, and according to legend, and the god responsible for destroying one of Laghed's eyes. In fey legends, Veles bested the orc god in fair combat, winning the bout with a precision thrust into Laghed's eye. In orc legends, however, Veles was losing his duel, and resorted to cheating and magic trickery in order to wound his foe. Regardless of the actual details, the enmity between Laghed and Veles continues to this day and shows no indications of abating any time soon.

Although Laghed is most commonly associated with the orc race, as a deity he also represents survival, rage, destruction, and savagery. Orcs remain by far the predominant members of Laghed's faith, but a fair number of barbarians, savages, and primitives of other races pray to and respect the One-Eyed God.

There is no true “church of Laghed.” His faithful do not belong to – and have no desire to create – a unified church, a chain of command, or any other trappings often associated with other religions. Followers of Laghed do not think or prepare; they act and react, preferably with great passion and intensity. They do not pursue a long-term agenda or pursue some far-off goal. Instead, they seek immediate gratification and the opportunity to offer blood and violence to their god.

The cult of Laghed is one of the most violent, ferocious, and feared in the lands of Irion. Most races outside of orcs, especially the elves and eladrin, refuse to accept Laghed as a valid deity, and they consider “worship” of this being nothing more than brute cruelty and heinous savagery. As a result, there are almost no standing temples dedicated to the One-Eyed God, certainly not within the more civilized lands. This matters not to Laghed; he has no interest in buildings or meaningless traditions. He cares only for carnage and endless bloodletting.

Divine Domains

Orcs, barbarians, savages, bloodshed, carnage, destruction, pillaging

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Inverted triangle with three bones protruding

Tenets of Faith

  • Ruin. Conquer. Kill.
  • The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the strong.
  • There are no emotions but fury and joy. The rest are weakness.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil[
